Type of computer system based on the number of general processors:

1. Single processor system: main and only one is capable of executing general purpose task( instruction), including the task from user other special task processor are also there which perform specific device related task. 

Now a question  may a rise in your mind that why it is called single processor system when it has 2 processor in it the answer to this is that it perform more number of general task than to special processor do the instructions on specific program.

2. Multiprocessor system: also know as parallel system or tightly coupled system it has 2 or more processor which communicate with each other to perform on certain task on the system example sharing computer bus, and sometime the clock, memory, peripheral device. 

Advantage of ms system:

1. Increased throughput ( measure performance).
2. Economy of scale: in comparison with single processor it has multiple processor which are working on a task together whereas in single processor we need multiple individual single processor which can work on different task.

Type of multi processor:

Symmetric: CPU 1, CPU 2, CPU 3 this are the different CPU and p1, p2, p3, this are the different processor which needs to be executed. In symmetric all the CPU are the same all this help in performing the task p1, p2, p3 also there is no master in it.

Asymmetric: slav1, slav2, slav3 are the CPU and one of the CPU act as a master and the remaining are the slav. Master monitor the other processor and assign task to other processor slav take care of other processor through diagram we can see they slav are of only one process or and not of the other processor. Master will take care if one processor fail and how to manage the load.

3. Clustered system: in multiple processor system it combine multiple CPU to accomplish multiple computation work provide high availability mean if one system fails there are other system to take care of the work. 

Asymmetrically: one machine is hot standby mode ( hot standby mode means it monitor the performance and if a machine fails it will take that machine place). 

Symmetrically: two or more host run applications 
Monitor each other.

Difference between multiprocessor  and clustered system:

Multiprocessor : here 2 or more individual processor are coupled together.

Clustered system: here 2 or more individual system are couple together